Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Header Image in Blogger

Recently I found out how to put a Header Image into a Blogger Blog. I'll show you exactly how:
(by the way, I am using the new version of Blogger)

Before you start changing anything on the template, please make a copy!

First you have to find this kind of code:
/* Header

In between the line that begins with border ends with the curly brackets you copy:
background-image: url(
Instead of the demo link I provided you enter the web page where your picture is stored.

Have a look:

#header-wrapper { width:660px; height:250px; margin:0 auto 10px; border:none; background-image: url( }

#header { margin: 5px; border: none text-align: center; color:$pagetitlecolor;}

I also adjusted the dimensions and set the border to none.

Save it and you should be done.

Please leave a comment if you find a different way.

1 comment:

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